Pluto Glyph Meaning

The symbol of Pluto shows the circle (spirit) over the crescent (soul) and the cross (matter). This represents spiritual transformation of our soul through superconsciuosness above the material, physical world.

Pluto Glyph
Pluto Glyph

The symbol of Pluto shows the circle (spirit) over the crescent (soul) and the cross (matter). This represents spiritual transformation of our soul through superconsciuosness above the material, physical world.

Unlike Neptune, who is connecting us with the divine, Pluto is the connection to the unconscious.

Pluto is the detective and the spy.

He is the transformer and the purifier/cleanser.

He holds all our secret emotions, thought and desires.

He is the powerful force within us, leading us into obsession and destructiveness or into rebirth and regeneration.

Without him, we couldn’t raise from the ashes like Phoenix, to start over.

This time more power filled and transformed into greater self.