July 2024 at a glance
Welcome to the Summer of 2024! The month of July is a mix of very favorable and very challenging energies!

Welcome to the Summer of 2024!
The month of July is a mix of very favorable and very challenging energies!
With Neptune at 29°56' in Pisces stationing to go retrograde on July 2nd, we might feel more confused, not knowing what is real and what is not. The 29° is called the Anaretic degree in astrology, and it represents the crisis point, giving the planet more power. We might feel fatigue and lack of mental clarity. Try to get more sleep and rest, using your imagination and artistic expression instead of leaning into addictive things and escapism.
Asteroid Pallas will station to go direct on the 9th, pushing us to start working on our long-term strategic plans. Chiron, the wounded healer and the mentor will station to go retrograde on the 26th, allowing us to face our deep wounds and find our authentic voice.

The New Moon in Cancer on July 5th has a nice flowing energy of nurturing and taking care of ourselves and those in need. With the favorable aspects with Saturn and Mars, it's a good day to set long-term intentions for things that are close to your heart. Genuine compassion and gentleness towards community, family, and groups we are part of might bring new beginnings in those areas. This New Moon will be especially favorable for all Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, and for all of you with natal placements between 11°- 18° of the Water signs.
The second Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st will bring closure on a personal and a collective level. Happening at 29°, the Anaretic degree, and so close to Pluto it will bring releasing of powerlessness and power control at the same time. Venus is making a harmonious aspect to Jupiter and Mars to Pluto. That will bring less stress and the ability to reconcile our family and work responsibilities. This will impact the most all of you with natal placements between 0°-3° of Mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces. The last few degrees (26°-29°) of Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.) might also find this more personal.
For more details on the June Lunations, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and click the notification bell. More videos on this topic are coming soon!

- Mercury on July 2nd, Venus on July 11th, and Sun on July 21st will make beautiful aspects with Saturn and Neptune before they change signs from soft and watery Cancer into firey and dynamic Leo. Use this energy to practice kindness and empathy, to use imagination and artistic expression, to connect with your spiritual side, and to blend fantasy with reality.
- When Mercury on July 2nd, Venus on July 11th, and Sun on July 22nd move to Leo, they will oppose Pluto right away, bringing hidden things onto the surface, and triggering paranoia and suspicions. This can manifest in verbal power struggles, within our one-on-one relationships and with our possessions and money. Is someone after me, my money, my partner?
- The most challenging aspect of the month occurs on July 15th when Mars and Uranus meet each other at 26° Taurus, along with the fixed star Algol. This is accident accident-prone energy, volatile and unpredictable. Algol and the myth of Medusa talk about cutting the head off, meaning some sudden endings will occur. Avoid fights and confrontations, try to do things by yourself, and be aware of this explosive, rebellious energy. Things will have a positive spin when Mars moves into Gemini on July 20th and makes a favorable aspect with Pluto. Positive transformations are on the way!
- Mercury will enter his retrograde shadow period on July 16th and will eventually go retrograde on August 5th. He will speed through Leo and move into Virgo on July 25th. He feels at home in Virgo, making our communication and thoughts more detailed, efficient, and organized.
Overall, July has many beautiful opportunities while Mercury, Venus, and the Sun are still in Cancer. Nice aspects with Saturn and Neptune in Pisces will open up our hearths. When they shift into Leo, although opposition to Pluto can shake things up, Jupiter in Gemini with a favorable aspect will give them a boost of optimism and hope.
Watch yourself in the middle of the month with Mars Uranus conjunction, use the energy to create something new and exciting!
Have a great summer, take care of yourself, and enjoy the sparkling, fun Leo season!