January 2024 at a glance

January Stations
January Stations 

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2024!

I'm excited to announce that Mercury is going direct on January 1st. This will bring many resolutions and will give us a push forward. Jupiter went direct on December 30th, and Uranus will go direct on January 27th. This means all planets will be direct until April, and it's time to act! No time to slow down this winter :)

Juno will go retrograde on January 12th, perfect timing to improve and perfect our relationships and commitments.

For great insights and tips for the upcoming 2024, please check this video with Fernanda and Hannah on YouTube.

Great collaboration with two amazing astrologers, it was inspiring to chat with them.

January Lunations
January Lunations

New Moon this month will occur on January 11th in Capricorn. With a favorable aspect to Uranus, it can bring us some breakthroughs, surprises, and unexpected turnarounds. It is also squaring the lunar nodes, suggesting some fatal events for some of you with placements between 18-22 degrees in Cardinal signs - Capricorn, Cancer, Libra, and Aries.

A full Moon in Leo will be on January 25th making a hard aspect to Jupiter and with loose opposition to Pluto. This will bring to illumination something you started on Leo New Moon of August 16th, 2023. We might feel we need to take on more than we can take and with opposing Pluto, a sense we are losing control.

January Ingresses
January Ingresses
  1. The first big shift of the month is Mars moving into Capricorn on January 4th. Call on duty, responsibilities, and in fast-forward motion. Hope you are ready :)  Mars loves being in Capricorn because it is goal-oriented and ready to work hard to get results.  It will sextile Saturn on January 9th, bringing focus and concentration to get things done. Ending the month with the beautiful trine to Uranus, inviting us to be adventurous and future-oriented.
  2. Mercury will go back to Capricorn on January 13th, helping Mars with achieving goals. Communication will be more straightforward, direct, and oriented on productivity. It will make favorable aspects with Saturn and Jupiter on January 18th and 19th, time to seal the deal! Finishing the month with trine with Uranus on January 28th looking for mental stimulus. Excellent time for brainstorming and exchanging new ideas.
  3. January 20th and 21st will be out of great significance as the Sun meets Pluto two times under 12 hours in two different signs - first at 29° Capricorn and the next day at 0° Aquarius. It will be all about our personal power or powerlessness, deep transformation, and empowerment. These degrees are about endings and new beginnings so get prepared.
  4. On January 19th Venus will square Neptune, bringing a bit of confusion and unclearity about our desires and relationships. It's best you use this energy for artistic expression or simply enjoy a good movie.  Venus will join Mars and Mercury in Capricorn on January 23rd. We will feel the seriousness of life, with all that Capricorn energy. It's time to pay now and play later.  

I wish you all the best in the next year! As always, if you seek astrological guidance, you can find my services on my website.

P.S. I've updated the prices for my services. I will honor the special discount for my subscribers with the old pricelist until February 14th, 2024 as I mentioned in my last newsletter.