February 2025 at a glance
I'm happy to announce a fairly nice month ahead, with many opportunities for growth and progress. Although it will come with nervousness and anxiety, let's work around it and make it exciting and enthusiastic instead.

Hello February!
I'm happy to announce a fairly nice month ahead, with many opportunities for growth and progress. Although it will come with nervousness and anxiety, let's work around it and make it exciting and enthusiastic instead. Jupiter is finally stationing to go direct on Feb 4th. He will bring more connections and conversations into our daily lives. This will make many Geminis happy :) The second good news is Mars stationing to go direct on Feb 23rd. This will move things forward, leaving us with a sense of relief after feeling stuck for the last three months. Cancerians will appreciate it the most.

The Full Moon at 24°06 Leo on Feb 12th is squaring Uranus bringing disruptive and unstable energy. Because Mercury is close to the Sun, we might hear some unexpected, shocking news. It's important to be aware of the unpredictability of this lunation and to stay alert and flexible. To ease your nervous system, play sports, dance, and do something joyful and creative. This full moon is a part of the lunar gestation family that started on the new moon on Aug 16th, 2023. The events of that new moon might come up on this lunation. Fixed signs are affected the most: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, and all of you with natal placements between 21°-27° of those signs.
On Feb 27th, the New Moon at 9°41' Pisces makes a square to its traditional ruler Jupiter in Gemini. With the New Moon, Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, and the North Node in Pisces, our dreams will be big! After a long time, for this lunation, all planets and asteroids are direct. Time to move on with pursuing your dreams, but make them real. With all the Piscean energy, we might feel more sensitive, so make sure you set boundaries to protect yourselves. Most affected will be all mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, and all of you with natal placements between 7°-13° of those signs.

- The month starts with a beautiful triple conjunction in Pisces between Venus, Neptune, and Moon on Feb 1st. It's time for spiritual practices, showing compassion and kindness, taking a moment to listen to your inner voice, and getting in tune with your soul and soul's mission. We might feel overwhelmed at the same time, so try to have some boundaries in place. Jupiter Mercury trine in the air signs on Feb 3rd will bring some fresh and innovative ideas!
- On Feb 4th, Venus goes to Aries, bringing passion and drive into our relationships. She will go retrograde beginning of next month, so make sure you finish up all business and financial things this month as well.
- Mercury Sun Cazimi will occur on Feb 9th, just a few days before the Full Moon. With this uplifting energy, the futuristic-oriented mind will lighten up! On the same day Mars trines Saturn, providing self-discipline and focus to make those ideas real. Both Sun and Mercury will square Uranus on Feb 10th and 11th, bringing anxiety and sudden things into our lives.
- On Feb 14th, Mercury enters dreamy Pisces, giving us a sense of relief and sensitivity at the same time. Our minds will wonder and wish to escape to the more beautiful places. Pallas Athena enters Aquarius just two days later on Feb 16th, inviting us to use innovative strategies to build a better future for our community and for ourselves.
- Sun moves to Pisces on Feb 18th, followed by Juno entering Sagittarius on the same day. This announces the end of winter and reflects on the past few months. Invitation to prepare ourselves for the upcoming spring and a New Astrological Year! Juno in Sagittarius brings adventures and new horizons to our partnerships.
- On Feb 23rd, Ceres goes to Pisces, a time to nurture our soul and show some kindness and compassion to ourselves and others. On the same day, Mercury trines Mars after he squared Jupiter on the 20th. Emotions and feelings will clear our judgment. We might feel insecure and overwhelmed by the hurts or pains we might be going through.
- Mercury and Saturn's conjunction on Feb 25th will amplify the feeling of being overwhelmed and we might go into the victim mode very easily. Relax, rest, meditate, and spend some time doing something artistic and creative - music, movies or dancing might help a lot at this moment.
February starts very promising with a lot of positive energy to finally start doing things. Mid-month is flavored with nervousness and anxiety and we finish the month very emotionally drained and overwhelmed. Be flexible, go with the flow, enjoy little things this month, and celebrate small victories!
If you wish to know more about your year ahead, you can book a reading here 😊